Venue: RICS, Great George Street, London, SW1P 3AD
Time; 7.45 - 10.15am
Building Bulletin 103: Area Guidelines for Mainstream Schools sets out "simple, non-statutory area guidelines for both overall categories of space and individual types of spaces and includes graphs and formulae to show the recommended area ranges of these spaces for school buildings". A minimum of 55m2 for 30 pupils has been set for a junior classroom and general teaching space at secondary level, with a maximum of 62m2.
There is also a statement which says that these spaces should provide "sufficient room for wheelchair users and assistants".
Come and join us as our panel of experts discuss whether these sizes are adequate for 21st Century learning:
What is the background to these minimum & maximum sizes and is there an optimum?
What evidence is there to support these class sizes & what evidence is being collected to validate this?
What impact does acoustics, daylighting and ventilation have on the size and shape of the spaces?
Can these space sizes really support the inclusion of teaching assistants, carers and students with special educational needs
Are these sizes adaptable for flexible teaching and learning styles?
Bruce Glockling
LB Southwark
Bruce Glockling is the Head of Regeneration in the London Borough of Southwark. He is leading one of the largest regeneration capital programmes in London covering housing regeneration, schools, leisure and public realm.
Bruce has held leadership roles in London local government for 30 years for Tower Hamlets, Wandsworth and Southwark and has a long background in the schools sector, including as a former BSF Project Director, the Stirling Prize Winning Burntwood School. Most recently his team and council partners delivered Southwark’s schools expansion programme covering 15 primary, secondary and special schools. Southwark has won RIBA London and Building Design Awards for this programme.
Bruce is a leading voice in local government on the role of the client in achieving good design.
Hannah Jones
Hannah has extensive experience in the strategic national integration of ICT in learning. She has led several of the UK’s largest leadership programmes at the National College for School Leadership (NCSL), including the highly successful Strategic Leadership of ICT (SLICT) and Building Schools for the Future programmes.
During her time at NCSL, Hannah initiated, designed and delivered high quality leadership programmes for over 15,000 school leaders. External evaluations of these programmes were extremely positive with Ofsted identifying the programmes as a strong agent for change in teaching and learning practices and for leadership and management.
Guy Shackle
JM Architects
Guy is a chartered architect with over twenty years experience in the design and delivery of education projects. He recently joined jmarchitects to lead on education and residential projects from their London studio.
Guy’s expertise in early stage briefing for education projects is recognized by his inclusion on the register of RIBA Client Advisers since 2007. He is also an External Examiner for Part III courses in Professional Practice in Architecture at London Metropolitan University and The Bartlett School of Architecture. He has enhanced his understanding of education practice as Governor / Chair of a local Primary School and now at an Adult Education College.
Vince Ruane