Venue: RICS, Great George Street, London, SW1P 3AD
Time; 7.45 - 10.15am
The DfE's sustainable approach to the design and construction of new facilities, as stated in their Output Specification, aims to deliver a "cost-effective and resource-efficient facility" that optimises passive design measures and minimises the use of all resources with an efficient approach to maintenance, life cycle replacement and facilities management.
It expects strategies to be implemented to operate facilities that record all targets for the key aspects of environmental performance and monitors the performance of the new buildings in operation against these targets.
Is this however the best approach to ensure the provision of a sustainable education building? Come and join us as our panel of experts discuss:
What do we consider a sustainable education building to be?
Does the DfE's Output specification set an appropriate benchmark for sustainable design?
What criteria and benchmarks should we be measuring?
Has the design of renewable technology improved significantly to the benefit of the education estate?
How does this work with existing buildings?
Do we see a better sustainable approach within our HE estate?
Is BREEAM still relevant?

Ben Humphries
Ben is Director of Architype, an architectural practice leading in the field of sustainability.
Ben has delivered a wide range of complex community, educational, and public commissions and has lead many of Architype’s innovative sustainable projects including The Enterprise Centre, an exemplary low carbon building for University of East Anglia. More recently Ben has been involved in the design of a large Passivhaus Secondary School; Sutton Secondary School, and a Passivhaus Plus primary school; Hackbridge Primary School, for the London Borough of Sutton. These two pioneering school projects will be the focus of his presentation.
Ben studied for both architectural degrees at The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, before completing his professional qualification at London South Bank University. Ben worked for a number of practices in London and Kuala Lumpur before joining Architype in 2000. Ben has lectured and taught in a number of universities, including London Metropolitan, Kingston University and the Architectural Association. He regularly talks on Architype’s work and approach at conferences in the UK and abroad and has had articles on education and sustainability published in a variety of publications.

Nathan Miller
Nathan is an Associate Principal within Elementa Consulting and provides specialist environmental design and sustainability consultancy for projects around the globe. With environmental experience both in the public and private sectors, he joined Elementa from Foster + Partners, where he led the development of sustainability and environmental strategies on a variety of projects, along with project management and coordination as part of a multi-disciplinary design.
Nathan has particular experience of integrating strategic sustainability guidance, microclimate design, and sound infrastructure strategies for development of all scales – whether a building or urban infill masterplan. Additionally Nathan has been involved in a variety of formalised sustainability frameworks such as LEED, BREEAM, Living Building Challenge, One Planet Living, and Home Quality Mark.

Lee Bennett
Sheppard Robson
Lee Bennett is a partner, design chair, and school design lead at Sheppard Robson. A graduate of the Liverpool School of Architecture, he remained in the city to work on two RIBA-award winning university buildings with King McAllister, then spent several years at Foster and Partners working on towers in the UK and USA.
Joining Sheppard Robson in 2002, he has worked on a broad range of award-winning education projects, with a particular interest in low embodied energy building systems, evidenced in a number of schools and higher education buildings built in Cross-Laminated Timber. Current projects include the transformation of Old Marylebone Town Hall to create a new facility for London Business School and Coombe Wood School, Croydon.
Lee teaches at Liverpool University and is an external examiner at the Architectural Association.